Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Time, Talent and Treasure

"God's Work. Our Hands." It's a familiar slogan used to emphasize service in our church body, local communities, and the world.

Using your time, talent, and treasure, you can do God's work, serving people and places with your hands. Doesn't that sound amazing?

But what happens when the speed bumps in life occasionally slow down a desire to seek opportunities or change? And why is it so darn comfortable following the same routine (including service of time, talent, and treasure) day in/day out, or even year in/year out? Do you hesitate to change the path, try something new, or serve with people you don't know very well?

So here's the big question: How can you best spend your time, use your talents, and share your financial treasure? Colossians 3:23-24 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. There are many possible (and very acceptable) answers to the big question, but where is the best place to start? Here are a few things to think about:
  • Did you know that Holy Trinity has checklist to help you identify specific areas of interests? This form represents some of the opportunities that are currently available. Check the areas where you would like to serve. 


Assist with communion

Read lessons in worship

Usher at worship

Greet at worship

Volunteer at the Welcome Center

Prepare & serve coffee after worship

Volunteer in nursery

Operate Sound Board

Prepare the altar for worship (Altar Guild)

Provide cookies for after services

Straighten up church after worship

Other (please describe)

Choir &  Music

Participate in Jr choir (gr 2 through 6 )

Participate in Adult choir  (gr 9 and up)

Participate in Orchestra - list instrument

Participate in Handbell choir

Participate in Praise Worship Music Team (10:45 Service)

Other (please describe)


Participate in Habitat for Humanity team

Participate in Mexico Mission team

Participate in Treasure Box Distribution

Write articles for newspaper

Other (please describe)

Fellowship - Small Groups

Participate in Koinonia (adult fellowship & study meets once a month)

Participate in Campouts

Participate in Dinner for 6

Participate in Bible Study

Participate in Men’s Breakfast Group

Participate in Tuesday Women’s Fellowship & Bible Study (Circle)

Assist in planning Women’s Events (Women’s Tea & Advent Dinner)

Participate in Widow’s Mite (support group & fellowship)

Participate in Quilters Group (sewing skills not necessary)

Participate in FACESS - Young Parents Group

Participate in Fun Team (planning Fall Festival & Annual Picnic)

Other (please describe)

Youth & Children’s Activities

Assist with children’s activities – Indicate Grade: 

Assist with Junior High activities

Assist with Senior High activities

Assist with Wednesday evening Confirmation Class as a group leader

Be a Prayer Partner for a confirmation student

Serve on Youth & Family Ministry Team

Other (please describe)


Be a Sunday school teacher

Be an assistant Sunday school teacher

Be a substitute Sunday school teacher

Assist with Vacation Bible School

Teach/lead adult classes

Other (please describe)

Social Ministry  & Caring Ministry

Participate in Christian Meditation

Participate in email Prayer chain

Visit sick and shut-in

Prepare & deliver meals to families when needed

Provide babysitting when needed

Deliver Meals on Wheels (4 times per year)

Deliver tapes of worship services to shut ins

Assist with Divorce Care classes

Assist with Grief Share classes

Assist with Divorce Care for Kids classes

Assist with Card Ministry (sending cards to prayer chain)

Assist with Blood Drive

Give rides to church

Provide transportation service when needed

Other (please describe)

Finance and Financial Stewardship
Past Experience/comments

Assist in annual stewardship program

Count Sunday morning offerings

Serve on Finance Committee

Serve on Endowment Committee

Other (please describe)

Property Maintenance and Improvement
Past Experience/comments

Serve on Property Committee

Help on church “work days” (bi-annually)

Gifts I can share:  paint, woodwork, electric, plumbing (please circle all you can share)

Administrative Assistance
Past Experience/comments

Assist with bulletin folding (Friday mornings)

Assist with folding newsletter (one Thursday morning/month)

Assist with miscellaneous office work

1.  These are the areas where I have served in previous church and community groups:

2.       These are the areas I am currently serving and participating in at Holy Trinity:

3.      Of all the areas I checked, my top three interests are:



  • Is there something you'd really like to do, but it's not listed on the form? Talk to a church leader or a friend in the congregation. Get the conversation started and participate the magnificent effects of your time, talents, and treasure!
  • Not sure what to do? Uncomfortable making a change right now? Take your thoughts, concerns, and desires to the Lord in prayer. Listen for Him. Keep asking. Keep listening. Psalm 145:18 The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
As a church body, our ministries and programs rely heavily on the service of our members in a variety of areas-doing God's work as a caring and sharing congregation. How will you join in? Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

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